How effective is Denaguard as a MG/MS preventative?

Hatching Addict

In the Brooder
Feb 17, 2015
After doing a lot of research into MG/MS and all the other similar chronic respiratory diseases, I am concerned about our chickens being exposed at our 4H chicken shows or even chicks that I order from hatcheries already having such problems. I have read that Denaguard can be used as a preventative of such diseases. Does it really work for that?
My main concern is if we do pay extra for chicks from MG- flocks and then show them in the 4H shows (which is really the main reason we started with chickens), my understanding is that it is highly likely that they will be exposed and likely contract MG/MS. If Denaguard is effective as a preventive as I have seen claimed...that would be great! I realize nothing is an absolute guarantee, but in this case the extra insurance would be a great comfort. I have read some of the older threads and I was wondering if anybody could give some current reviews of Denagard as a preventive.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Perhaps I'm confused by the use of the word preventative... my original thought was that it would "prevent" your bird from getting MG/MS if exposed to it....maybe that is not what is meant at all.
Does it mean that Denaguard will "prevent" the symptoms of the disease from surfacing in a chicken that already has it?
If a chicken already has MG, there's not really anything you can do... You have two choices. 1) Close your flock and treat symptoms when/if they show up or 2) cull hard.

If you choose Option 1, any bird you bring in will become a carrier for MG and will infect any other bird it gets around, so you cannot let the birds leave the flock. A bird can pass MG/MS to another bird even WITHOUT showing symptoms. That's what makes it such an issue.

It sounds like Denagard will "prevent" the birds from getting it if they DON'T have it, but treatment must be maintained on a monthly basis. Miss a dose and you risk opening your birds up to CRD if you take them to a show.

Do I have that right, Dawg?

Denegard is effective as a preventative and treatment for mycoplasma diseases in poultry. See link below. It can be purchased from QC Supply.

If a chicken already has MG, there's not really anything you can do... You have two choices. 1) Close your flock and treat symptoms when/if they show up or 2) cull hard.

If you choose Option 1, any bird you bring in will become a carrier for MG and will infect any other bird it gets around, so you cannot let the birds leave the flock. A bird can pass MG/MS to another bird even WITHOUT showing symptoms. That's what makes it such an issue.

It sounds like Denagard will "prevent" the birds from getting it if they DON'T have it, but treatment must be maintained on a monthly basis. Miss a dose and you risk opening your birds up to CRD if you take them to a show.

Do I have that right, Dawg?


Thanks for the links and the information Dawg and Mrs.B. I guess I need to talk to some of the people in charge of the 4 H poultry show as well. Looks like we may have to make a choice to either healthy chickens or being able to show them and take a risk of bringing home something besides a ribbon.

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