How fast should Brewers Yeast take to "kick in"?

Hope you got my message - don't be afraid to try it (although I remember feeling the same way!) Hopefully your husband can help you. You will be able to see when the legs look right and just hold them there while you secure the tape. There will be some give and that's okay. I doesn't feel like she'll be able to lay down, but she will. I remember Puddles even relaxing with her leg stretched out behind her when she was in hobbles. Seemed impossible, but she did it. Let me know how it goes!!
@CoriM I have a rubber band on her legs (we say her 😂) and she's doing VERY good. been about 2 days. her legs sit perfect under her with the bands on. she gets up well, swims, and walks around the yard.
@CoriM @Miss Lydia for a calcium supplements for ducklings, what do you recommend and how much and often? Thanks 😊
Until they are laying age they don't need any calcium supplements they get that in their feed. once getting close to laying 5 months usually, then we put out oyster shell in a separate bowl for the layers and they eat as needed.
Until they are laying age they don't need any calcium supplements they get that in their feed. once getting close to laying 5 months usually, then we put out oyster shell in a separate bowl for the layers and they eat as needed.

perfect! Okay thanks.
Hope you got my message - don't be afraid to try it (although I remember feeling the same way!) Hopefully your husband can help you. You will be able to see when the legs look right and just hold them there while you secure the tape. There will be some give and that's okay. I doesn't feel like she'll be able to lay down, but she will. I remember Puddles even relaxing with her leg stretched out behind her when she was in hobbles. Seemed impossible, but she did it. Let me know how it goes!!

ours did that yesterday. She had a leg stretch out back. I’m like whoa how did you do with your bands on🤣 so I fixed her leg. Seems to be doing very well. How long do you leave these on for ? We still hop and wobble.
Great, I'm glad you found something that works! Just make sure the bands aren't bothering the skin on her leg or getting too tight. I think I left the hobbles on 2-3 weeks. So happy she's doing well!
Great, I'm glad you found something that works! Just make sure the bands aren't bothering the skin on her leg or getting too tight. I think I left the hobbles on 2-3 weeks. So happy she's doing well!
Had a vet re check today and are doing AMAZING!! The vet was very impressed an happy with the results from the bands. 🙌🏻😍 thank you both!!

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