How fast should Brewers Yeast take to "kick in"?

@CoriM @Miss Lydia i could use some help.
So my Pekín ducks, one is literally twice the size as the other one. The vet says “it’s fine” I’m not convinced it is. I just don’t get it. Literally it’s very laid back mellow calm quite. Sits with you if you pick it up carry it. Doesn’t peep a lot. The other. Peeps ALL the time very active runs away and around stands 24/7 etc. Any reason the one duck could be so much larger? Still don’t know if males/females yet. To young. Vet tried to look. Said they couldn’t tell yet. They are 6 weeks old. The 2nd picture is the smaller one. Literally looks like a duck. Thin slinger. The other is just HUGE. Head body legs feet everything! Thanks 😊


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Are you done with hobbles then? Is she walking normally already? Just keep an eye because she's still so young. I wouldn't be concerned about the size difference. I went through the same thing with my pekin Puddles. I thought I might have been mistakenly given an Aylesbury duck and researched that, then I actually got a refund for her from the feed store because I was convinced I had mistakenly received a jumbo pekin, and she was having problems with her legs. Now that my three pekins have grown up, she's right in the middle, and way smaller than my duck Penny. I will try to get a photo tomorrow to show you. Also, she seemed so special - she always made eye contact with us, compared to the other 5 ducklings in the brooder. She always had a serene aura to her while the other ducks ran around willy-nilly, and perhaps that's how she became our favorite. She didn't mind sitting in a lap even when she was almost full-grown. So don't worry, if they're both walking and seem heathy, you're all good!
It doesn’t move around as well as the other.
Are you done with hobbles then? Is she walking normally already? Just keep an eye because she's still so young. I wouldn't be concerned about the size difference. I went through the same thing with my pekin Puddles. I thought I might have been mistakenly given an Aylesbury duck and researched that, then I actually got a refund for her from the feed store because I was convinced I had mistakenly received a jumbo pekin, and she was having problems with her legs. Now that my three pekins have grown up, she's right in the middle, and way smaller than my duck Penny. I will try to get a photo tomorrow to show you. Also, she seemed so special - she always made eye contact with us, compared to the other 5 ducklings in the brooder. She always had a serene aura to her while the other ducks ran around willy-nilly, and perhaps that's how she became our favorite. She didn't mind sitting in a lap even when she was almost full-grown. So don't worry, if they're both walking and seem heathy, you're all good!
i took them off yesterday. She seems to be walking where her feet should be. When she sits they sit under her. Not out to the side. The other one gets in and out the kiddie pool perfect no problems. The other didn’t so much due to its legs. I took them off seems to do much better moving around for the kiddie pool. It was sorta a struggle getting out like she doesn’t lift her legs up I guess more to say like the other. I put her in (prob should start letting her try an get in/out on her own) I loved the kiddie pool in the screened in patio where they stay just cause they seemed hot and panting to cool off. The smaller one got in and out over an over perfect the larger one didn’t. I placed it in the pool. Well it’s been in the pool for 3 hours like it couldn’t get out. The smaller one was out fine 😭😭😭😭😭😭im so sad and devastated it was still there. Course it doesn’t have much water cause I couldn’t move it if so 🤣. The larger one is VERY loving. Let’s you just pick it up will sit hours in your lap until you move it pet it 24/7 give it kisses you name it doesn’t flinch. The other. Uhh good luck catching it 🙄🤣. The size just baffles me like something is wrong. The larger one doesn’t walk as well as the other or fast. Very slow moving like it’s body is just to heavy idk... just worried for it 😔😔😔.
It sounds like it's too soon to take the hobbles off. Why don't you try leaving them on for another week or so for good measure. She may not move as much because she's so much heavier. Definitely watch her in the water and don't leave her in for more than 20 minutes or so at her age. When my ducklings were 6 weeks and under they only swam supervised in the bathtub for short amounts of time. After that they were allowed access to a kiddie pool. If your big duckling is having any trouble whatever getting in and out you should help her and make sure she doesn't stay in the water too long. Keep up the vitamin B complex everyday too!

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