How high should my brooder walls be?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 16, 2013
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum & although I was raised on a farm with chickens, I have never had any as an adult. My mom always used her broody hens to raise their own chicks, so I might need a tad of advice here, since I'm expecting 25 new baby chicks by mail in about 9 days! Hubby has made me a 5' by 5' brooder for them. Before building it, I had looked up info in books & thought they said about 16 inches tall for the brooder walls, so thats the height that hubby made them. Now, after reading posts here & seeing pics, I'm starting to think they will be flying over that in no time! The chicks I'm getting are heavy brown egg laying breeds..Australorps, Barred Rock, White Rock, Buff Orpington, & Americana. What do you think? Am I going to have problems with 16 inch high walls?
My little babes not even a week old after shipment, the stronger breed ( red star) are already trying to jump up. I think you are good for at least a couple weeks with all the space they have to keep busy! But cover it with screen you can lay over it or add mini roosts inside it! Goodluck and have Fun!
I am in the process of preparing a small kiddie pool for my brooder which is located in the garage. I will post a picture once it is all set up and hopefully get some advice as I've never done this before. I am going to wrap chicken wire around the outside of the pool just to add some height. Hopefully that will work. In fact I'm heading out there right now to finish preparation as my chick are expected in about 4 weeks. I want to test it out first with heat lamp before they arrive.
I meant to say "chicks" - 10 of them.
Just completed my brooder. I wrapped chicken wire around the outside and drilled small holes every 6 inches or so then wired the chicken wire to the pool so it is good and snug. I think I'm ready except for food and apple cider vinegar. I can put some in water as soon as they arrive?

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