How high to have horizontal nipple waterer?

Abby P

Mar 17, 2022
How high should I keep my horizontal waterer for my chicks? Should it be beak height? Thinking I should add another block underneath.

I believe I was told to have it so they can stand and drink. not bend over or stretch up. But that was last year so can't remember 100% now. LOL
They do have an open waterer. They get wood shavings in it though while I’m at work so I made them this so they have some form of water if I can’t get it cleaned right away
Do you have that waterer raised off the ground?
I use 8 and 16oz sour cream containers filled with sand(for weight) to raise them up.
Do you have that waterer raised off the ground?
I use 8 and 16oz sour cream containers filled with sand(for weight) to raise them up.
That’s a good idea! I might have some cool whip containers I could use. I have it on a frisbee currently but my lil chickies have way too much fun digging! They get wood shavings EVERYWHERE!! 🤣
Baby chicks are not strong enough to use the horizontal nipples for the first several weeks.

Once they're old enough for them I keep them at a convenient beak height.
My lil chickies are over 2 weeks old and do great drinking from them. I think it depends on the nipple, some are hard to push with their beaks than others. I’ve also checked everyone for cross beak and everyone is good. But they do have their saucer of water- it just gets filled up with wood shavings every 2 minutes 🤣 so just wanted to have something in there when I am at work and can’t clean it
2x I introduce chicks at about 2wks ... I teach mine to peck under the metal nipple, seems to express the water better. The first ones I ever purchased had black rubber waters, now it's silicone, although it works ok, I prefer the rubber washers.

I mark my water container at several levels, to monitor the drinking.
If you look at my photo I also have a mark to make sure they are drinking. I introduced the nipple waterer on Monday and everyday they have been getting better at it! Yeah the ones I have I think are silicone washers, but seem to do the job.

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