How hot is too hot?

Michelle Guynn

6 Years
Jul 2, 2017
I live in Phoenix and it's 115 today in our back yard. I took my 2 silkies out for the first time and after about 10 minutes they were panting so I took them in. They are 2 weeks old and seemed to enjoy the time out but I think to hot.
Much too hot. Chicks should be kept in temperatures around 95 degrees Fahrenheit for the first week. Each week you need to decrease the temperature by 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Our body temperatures and chickens' isn't all that different from each other. If it's too hot for us, it's too hot for chickens.

Baby chicks are especially vulnerable because they aren't able to regulate their body temps with the insulating effect of feathers, having only fuzzy down at the moment. This is why it's crucial to always provide them with both cool space as well as warm space in which to move in and out as they feel the need to shed excess heat or warm up.

Direct sunlight is especially dangerous to baby chicks on very warm days since they very quickly absorb far more heat than their bodies can tolerate.
They will be pets and live most of the time inside specially in the summer. I plan to put them in a small coup only during the day when the weather is nice.

Is it still ok to take them out for a few minutes each evening?

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