How late will you stay up ?

Most people seem to forget what happened in a meeting in early 2009. All part of the hope and change and this new atmosphere of bipartisanship and reaching across the aisle. In a bipartisan meeting on the stimulus package in the White House, Senator Jon Kyl of Arizona challenged the administration and democratic leaders on the balance between spending and tax cuts. The response from the president? "I won". Those 2 words destroyed any hope of partisanship. Those 2 words essentially said, sit down and shut up. Your opinions mean nothing.

So, here we are once again. Are my representatives supposed to sit down and rubber stamp everything that comes through because he won and their party lost? I elect my representatives based on my values and I fully expect them to uphold those values. It isn't throwing tantrums, it is following the will of their base constituents.

And as for budgets. The last budget proposed by the administration was unanimously voted down. In a democrat controlled senate.

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