How likely Male Pekin will drown Female KC during mating?

Not great although she could be worse I'm assuming. She can stand for about 1/2 a second but quick falls down. She can push herself around some. The vet was able to stitch the large wound on her back. She's not eating anything besides a few peas. I'm hoping she'll start to feel better andayne her appetite will come back. I'm trying not to worry too much as I probably wouldn't want to eat if I was in her position but it is a little concerning. She is drinking though and quacking some. I'm struggling getting her medicine in her-man duckies are stronger than I thought- bit hopefully hat will start getting easier as I get in a bit of practice. Thank you for asking. There really isn't anyone I can talk to about this because most everyone I know thinks she's "just a duck". My 3 year old and I disagree with this
Bless her heart. We know here at BYC that they are way more than just a duck
I have recently seen, as many had told me, ducks can recover from significant injuries. Ours was a snapper attack.
We're actually not sure how she was injured. I found her on the other side of the fence along th road. We think she must have been clipped by a car or perhaps even a bicyclist. It doesn't look like an attack we don't think. And I've never seen my drake act aggressively toward her or even try and mate except when in the pool. The vet also said she'd never seen injuries like hers from a drake. So we're just not sure. I wish we did know, not that it would make any difference but it's hard not knowing. Maybe if we knew we'd know more about what's wrong with her.
Could it have been a predator?
Keep us posted.
Bless her heart. We know here at BYC that they are way more than just a duck
I have recently seen, as many had told me, ducks can recover from significant injuries. Ours was a snapper attack.
Could it have been a predator?
Keep us posted.

I'm so sorry I hope she has a full recovery.
Please let us know how she is doing.

Thank you both for your kind words

I don't think it was a predator. My dog goes crazy anytime there is anything alive near the house-especially predator type animals. Plus I can't imagine they would have just left her there injured. Unless a hawk tried to grab her-but she only had one wound on her back-no punctures or what I would expect from talons grabbing her. But who knows? I can see now that it's her left side that is sore/injured as she can weight bear on her right leg. She still won't eat food or treats, but as a last resort I took her out and laid her on the grass and she went crazy with her normal foraging and grass eating-well as well as she could without be mobile. She also ate the two slugs I found for her
I'm hoping that's a good sign though I know she'll need more nutrition soon. I think I'll put some vitamin mix in her water.

On a side note-I'm having a REALLY hard time getting her meds into her. I can't seem to get the pill down her throat and the liquids we did ok but I'm nervous about her aspirating. If anyone reads this do you have any tips?
Thank you both for your kind words

I don't think it was a predator. My dog goes crazy anytime there is anything alive near the house-especially predator type animals. Plus I can't imagine they would have just left her there injured. Unless a hawk tried to grab her-but she only had one wound on her back-no punctures or what I would expect from talons grabbing her. But who knows? I can see now that it's her left side that is sore/injured as she can weight bear on her right leg. She still won't eat food or treats, but as a last resort I took her out and laid her on the grass and she went crazy with her normal foraging and grass eating-well as well as she could without be mobile. She also ate the two slugs I found for her
I'm hoping that's a good sign though I know she'll need more nutrition soon. I think I'll put some vitamin mix in her water.

On a side note-I'm having a REALLY hard time getting her meds into her. I can't seem to get the pill down her throat and the liquids we did ok but I'm nervous about her aspirating. If anyone reads this do you have any tips?
I'm so glad you found her whatever it was. Can you crush the pill into some peas or into her water? Vitamin and electrolytes will be beneficial as she recovers. Does she like meal worms? They are a good protein source.

I've never had to pill one but I'm sure somebody here can help with suggestions:

@Miss Lydia
Crush the pill and mix with a little bit of water and syringe it into her mouth... aim for the right side, never down the middle hole, that's her airway... might need to look into tubing her food... sounds scary, but it's easier than you think...

Anyone got links? @Amiga I believe you sent me a good one?
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I'm so glad you found her whatever it was.  Can you crush the pill into some peas or into her water?  Vitamin and electrolytes will be beneficial as she recovers.  Does she like meal worms?  They are a good protein source.

I've never had to pill one but I'm sure somebody here can help with suggestions:


@Miss Lydia



I'm really glad too. And happy it wasn't worse. I tried it with the peas and both my male (who was already on antibiotics) and female caught on to that really fast. In fact peas were the only treat they really loved and now they don't seem to want to touch them. I can't sneak it by them in anything! I've been putting vitamins an electrolytes in her water alternating with fresh because she drinks much less with them in there. I've tried mealworms before and she wasn't a fan but I may try them again. The problem is she really only likes to forage and the will eat pellets after running around outside or first thing I. The morning when let out of the coop. I've never seen such a picky duck!

Crush the pill and mix with a little bit of water and syringe it into her mouth... aim for the right side, never down the middle hole, that's her airway... might need to look into tubing her food... sounds scary, but it's easier than you think...

Anyone got links? @Amiga I believe you sent me a good one?

I think syringing it is what we're going to have to do. I've just been so worried about aspiration. These are our first and it's only been about 5 months so I feel so out of my comfort zone! Thanks for tagging Amiga. I'll definitely check out those links though I really hope it doesn't come to that. But I'm glad to have resources and "friends" to consult with
If it does!
This one might help, it's a video.

And here is a thread started by casportpony.

Many thanks, @Ren2014
and @RavynFallen (BYC won't tag you - - - sigh) for tagging me on this.  Please continue to do so . . .

Thanks Amiga! I'm going to check out those links though as I said above I hope it doesn't come to that. If she's eating grass and some greens and maybe some anyone know how long she can go without pellets? When should I really consider the tube feeding?

Thanks again everyone. I'm so glad to have the support from people here.
I had an old drake I had to give a Pill for arthritis and the only way he'd take it is if I offered it in bread. I'd break the pill in half then take the bread and wrap around the half and smooch it so the bread was completely adhered to the pill then toss him a piece of bread with out the pill in it to get his attention then toss each bread wrapped pill half to him he would gobble it down with out hesitating. Some times he'd eat out of my hand too. I always did this when the rest of the flock was not around him or someone else would be faster and get it from him.
I had an old drake I had to give a Pill for arthritis and the only way he'd take it is if I offered it in bread. I'd break the pill in half then take the bread and wrap around the half and smooch it so the bread was completely adhered to the pill then toss him a piece of bread with out the pill in it to get his attention then toss each bread wrapped pill half to him he would gobble it down with out hesitating. Some times he'd eat out of my hand too. I always did this when the rest of the flock was not around him or someone else would be faster and get it from him.

I've heard of a lot of people doing this. Unfortunately my ducks are not real ducks
. They don't like bread. Of any sort. At all. I've tried hiding the pills in everything I can think of. It's like they have a sixth sense and just know it's there. They hate it so much they won't eat peas, which were their absolute favorite, anymore because they are convinced I am trying to poison them with them now! I've managed to get one of two doses in my drake the last couple days by hiding it in his food and hoping he shovels it up. I may have to go the syringe route with him too. I am still having trouble with that as a lot dribbles out the side of my females mouth. I think part of it is nerves about her aspirating on my part and it doesn't help that she is a feisty one. We're still trying though! Not giving up...and she did eat a few pellets today so that has lifted my spirits a bit. Going to try some Mazuri floating food to see if that entices her to eat before I have to resort to tube feeding. Thanks for the suggestion though Miss Lydia. If only my darn ducks liked junk food!

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