How likely Male Pekin will drown Female KC during mating?

I've heard of a lot of people doing this. Unfortunately my ducks are not real ducks
. They don't like bread. Of any sort. At all. I've tried hiding the pills in everything I can think of. It's like they have a sixth sense and just know it's there. They hate it so much they won't eat peas, which were their absolute favorite, anymore because they are convinced I am trying to poison them with them now! I've managed to get one of two doses in my drake the last couple days by hiding it in his food and hoping he shovels it up. I may have to go the syringe route with him too. I am still having trouble with that as a lot dribbles out the side of my females mouth. I think part of it is nerves about her aspirating on my part and it doesn't help that she is a feisty one. We're still trying though! Not giving up...and she did eat a few pellets today so that has lifted my spirits a bit. Going to try some Mazuri floating food to see if that entices her to eat before I have to resort to tube feeding. Thanks for the suggestion though Miss Lydia. If only my darn ducks liked junk food!
They must have dachshund in them[just kidding] but my dachshunds are the same way no matter what I try they know if it has meds in it. Hopefully you'll be able to trick them some how.
My ducks are the same way, won't touch bread with a 10' pole, lol... instead of just a syringe, I suggest a partial tubing for the meds... get a piece of aquarium air hose tubing, just a short piece 3 or 4 inches long... cut square across one end for fitting over the syringe opening and the other end at an angle... be careful though, that will leave sharp edges... either trim the edges round with a very sharp knife, or just slightly warm the end up with flame... just enough to melt the edges round, don't let it curl outward or it will make the end much bigger around than the tube...

Practice with some plain water first, but pull up air in the syringe before the medicine mixture so when you push the plunger down you can ensure all the medicine goes out the tube and into the duck... watch the marks on the syringe to show you how far to push the air to the end of the tube so you don't give them a bellyful of air, a little bit shouldn't harm them but you don't want a lot of air in their stomachs...

You can rub vegetable oil on the tube to slide it into their throat easier, just make sure you aim for the right side... hope this helps... I know it's not fun but we gotta do what's best for them and in the end they'll appreciate it...
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