How long after when a baby chicken chirps inside the egg ,will it hatch

I am soooo excited and just can't wait! I heard my peeps chirping inside their eggs this morning! This is my first time incubating and I am as nervous as I was when my own children were born! This is definitely very addicting! I can't wait to see my new little babies!
I have had several that have hatched without chirping... in fact I have had several that have pipped and zipped so quickly that I have missed it all together. I really try to sit and watch all of them even if I am up all's my favorite part and I don't care about sleep at that point. LOL! I will try to cat nap in between if I don't see any pips but the quiet ones are the ones I usually miss.
We are trying our first batch. Today is day 19 and I heard a chick chirping in the shell. It was so amazing, I'm so excited and hoping they all make it! We have 8 in the incubator and 8 outside under a broody hen. A little worried because I candled them today and was reading that I really shouldn't be messing with them the last few days because they are getting into position to hatch.
1 of my eggs has started moving. No pips or peeping yet. I forgot to mark this egg so im not sure how many days it is. Is the fact that its rocking every now and then a sign its gunna hatch soon. This is my first time. Im a incubating virgin lol
I lost some perfectly developed chicks recently b/c they internally pipped(and chirped!) in the air sac but didn't externally pip. I listened to advice and was waiting till 24hrs to intervene if no external pip happened. Well, regrettably the chick died after only 12 hours. Air sac was a great size too! So, now if I hear chirping and no external pip for 12 hours, I intervene by making a tiny breathing hole!

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