How long can ducklings be away from heat lamp?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 3, 2013
They are a week old and I've got their brooder set up with heat in one corner at 90 degrees. This week I'll go down to 85. During the day, I let them swim and forage outside (supervised of course). How long can they be away from the heat?

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They are a week old and I've got their brooder set up with heat in one corner at 90 degrees. This week I'll go down to 85. During the day, I let them swim and forage outside (supervised of course). How long can they be away from the heat?

Ducklings are tougher than we give them credit for, as long as it's not raining or snowing or below 70 they should be fine for around 30 min. at a time. Actually temps for ducklings should be around 85* first week 5* cooler each week there after. They sure are cute. If they are playing in the water outside I'd towel [pat]dry and bring them inside to finish drying under warmth of lamp. that way they won't chill. especially till they are making their own oil to oil their feathers. But letting them play in water at an early age encourages preening and oil gland stimulation.
Go by their behaviour. IF they continuously pick through the grass happily, they don't need to go in yet. If they are peeping and shivering, time to head in.

I'd say 30 minutes is a good estimate. Ducklings are better at handling temps than chicks. At 4 weeks I had kicked my ducks out of the brooder. They are so messy...
It's warm in my area and I have not had to put a heat lamp on the ducklings that hatched last week. They are in my garage and it's warm in there, so no heat lamp needed.

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