How long can ducklings stay outside on warm days?


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
Hey y'all!
I brought my 4 day old duckling outside for some fresh air and sunshine today. It's 85 and sunny, they are in a very well protected area, with plenty of sun and shade. How long is it ok for them to stay out? They seem very happy and content. It touches on this a bit in Storeys guid to ducks..but no real guidelines.
The temperature sounds fine. I would watch out for hawks. They can be bold, and come in from above and grab a duckling.

Did you see the thread about the person who had a hawk in her arms for a few seconds, as it was trying to get her ducklings?
Temps are good. They can stay out all the time as long as they are in a safe place small enough for a hawk to not be able to swoop in and out safely. I would just lock them in their duck house at night and let them use their coop during the day. Safety is the biggest concern. Make sure nothing can get in or under the fencing. Also if it's a big coop, cover a portion with a tarp to keep things from coming in from above.
Did you see the thread about the person who had a hawk in her arms for a few seconds, as it was trying to get her ducklings?

Yikes! That sounds terrifying!
My run is very secure. The whole thing is covered with aviary netting. I have six foot welded fence all around that is aproned in hardware cloth. My run is also huge (50'x20') so I sectioned off a small space with chicken wire to keep them contained and away from my chicks.
I didn't end up leaving them out for too long...I was too worried about them. But the weather here is supposed to be in the 80s all week, so I'm hoping to take them out a lot!

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