How long can new chicks wait for others to hatch?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 11, 2009
Central NC
My broody hen's eggs have begun to hatch. One last night (19 days), one today. There were 5 eggs under her so 3 more to go. I will have to move the little family's nest out of the tack room into a stall before I can let them move around. Hen has been shut up because of snakes after her eggs (ate 2). This has worked well for a stationary hen but it won't work for chicks. I don't want to move them until they have all hatched. And I don't know how long the first chick can go without water & food.

I caught 2 snakes. There is still another one eating eggs from my trap. I tried to build a safe compound for the family to sleep in at night. Hope it works.

Thanks for ideas
Chicks can normally go at least three days before they need to eat or drink, I've had some with a broody hen go longer. I don't know what that set-up looks like, but if you can provide food and water away from the nest the broody hen will know when the hatch is over and bring her chicks off. I've had broody hens do that within 24 hours of the first one hatching, I had one that hatched her first egg on a Monday and didn't bring the chicks off until Friday, a full four days.

I've had snakes eat eggs out form under a broody before. That's frustrating.
Update on post:
The first 2 chicks were getting restless and I was afraid they would try to jump out so I moved nest into the stall this am where they wouldn't get hurt. Hen still settin'. Put food & water outside of nest. Fed & watered hen in nest. she was Hungry! Came back a few minutes later and hen & chicks had left the nest. I wasn't sure if the chicks had gotten out & upset the hen or if she was done. Put them back and she settled back on eggs. Same thing in a half hour.

So I performed the float test to determine if the other 3 eggs were viable. They were not. So she has only 2 babies. She's a good mama.

Thanks for the replies.
They Can stay on a long time 2 days is what I say but I'm sure they can go for longer. The yolk they absorb last them enough food to be shipped or stay under the mom while other babies hatch.

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