How long do Chickens lay?


12 Years
Apr 25, 2007
Central Michigan
I have had my chickens for around 3 years. I started out with only EE's and now I have a rather wide assortment from EE to Speckled Sussex. Does the lenght of how long they lay for depend on what breed they are. I realize that this is rather dumb question. But does anyone have the answer.
There are people here that will be able to give you a much better answer but I've known people personally who's chickens were still laying some eggs at seven years old. They weren't bantams.

That's probably not much help but thought I'd share anyway.
well i have heard that they lay for a while but there i have also heard that they slow down after two yeras of laying

Does anyone know where i can find a duck eggs? Mail me at [email protected]:D

what does that have to do with this question no offense just wondering:lol:

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