How long do I leave her on the nest with hatched and unhatched eggs!!


11 Years
Jun 14, 2008
West Central Wisconsin
I have a Cuckoo Maran hen that hatched 3 chicks on Saturday and Sunday, and still one egg with a peeping sound. How long should I wait before I remove the last egg, with a faint chirp, no pipping, and she will not get off the egg to feed the other chicks.
I removed 3 eggs from her this morning, 1 Pipped, but that was it, another one under developed, and another one under developed. This is the last egg:(
I would leave the egg if you hear chirping and wait for it to hatch. The chicks should be fine as long as food is provided near then.
They have water and chick starter, I guess I thought that for some odd reason that mama had to teach them how:D Now thinking about it, my chicks that I take out of the bator or box, they eat by themselves:D

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