How long do I leave Moma hen with chicks?


10 Years
Sep 28, 2009
I have 2 week old chicks with the Moma Hen in a brooder pen. How long do I leave her with them and how do I go about putting her back with the other chickens? We have never hatched eggs before and so this is really new to us.It's so interesting watching these chicks with the Moma.
Momma will protect the chicks so you can put her with the rest now.
I would watch just to make sure none of the other hens are pecking on the chicks.
I, personally, do not separate the moms & chicks from the rest.
I let them be raised all together.
The other hens just sort of ignore the babies.
I do have the hens that try to steal babies and that usually starts a small fight that ends up with both moms raising the chicks together.
Good luck!
I have 2 week old chicks with the Moma Hen in a brooder pen. How long do I leave her with them and how do I go about putting her back with the other chickens? We have never hatched eggs before and so this is really new to us.It's so interesting watching these chicks with the Moma.
First time here too. Mine have been with Mama hen for a month now. They are feathering out really nicely. Mama has a lot to teach them. I think once they are feathered out all the way, I may let them out. I think at 6 weeks. She will teach them how to be chickens much better than I can, so I figure extra time with Mama isn't wasted.
One other thing. Mama should be showing the chicks how to find food now. This is a fine time to start the chicks on chopped sprouted oats. It is really easy to do. See pages 24 thru 29 on this thread:
to see the whys and hows of it (especially the easy mason jar method, which I use). . Chop the 4 and 5 day old sprouted into small lengths and throw them on the brooder floor. Mama Hen will show the chicks how to find them just like she would greens in the pasture. The sprouted oats are excellent natural nutrition for the chicks and Mama too.
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Thanks for your help. I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this, I got that darn flu and then had alot of catching up to do. The chicks are so big, I will put the Moma & them with the other hens as soon as our weather stays above 50 degrees here!
Yeah, mother hen will wean the chicks on her own. When the babies are fully feathered and big enough to handle the older chickens (about 2-3 months), then they'll be good to integrate into the flock.

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