How long does brand new (incubator) chick need the warm temperatures


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 23, 2014
Hi, I had a question or two regarding new chicks. After they have dried out, how long do you have to keep them in a place with warmth...and how warm does it have to be ...are you suppose to have lights on 24-7 in these incubators. Heres a little background; ... My situation is a little unique, but so far chick is looking good. I found her almost dead on floor in coop, cracked all over and could just see her. (my hens are having chicks right now and doing quite well, so was not planning on being a part of what happened next, so was a little unprepared) However, I brought her inside, made a makeshift incubator with temps. fluctuation between 85 and 100...humidity, who knows, but I misted a lot with warm water and kept wet paper towel balls all over, I was constantly opening to monitor and spritz...I helped her out of the membrane around the beak as it had dried out a lot. then put her in a cup, so she could finish absorbing her egg yolk..up to this point she was barely making a sound, the odd very weak peep. but she came around..pushed her self out of the cup, for the most part, ..but then convulsed and shook for half an hour while I panicked and looked up info. on net...finally I just picked her up and put her to my chest and held her carfully, trailing yolk sac and all..she stopped shaking and fell asleep, put her back in incubator with fluctuating temps....and well, she got better and stronger and is now a little yellow fluff ball, walking on her own etc. she is in her incubator with temps between 80 and 95, doing and out of heat lamp spot light. we take her out to run around about every 2 hours, she loves it and is already pecking at food. She is 2 days old. It is quite amazing..and now I can sleep! thought I would share, answers or insight to above questions would be so appreciated, thanks :)

Personally, I'd take her out at night and slip her under a mama with babies that same age. Chickens can't count, and she'd probably never know the difference. Then you wouldn't have to worry about temperature fluctuations, whether she's warm enough or not, or taking her out to run around. Chickens are flock animals and do best when they get to live like chickens. Good job on saving her!
Welcome to the forum!


Personally, I'd take her out at night and slip her under a mama with babies that same age. Chickens can't count, and she'd probably never know the difference. Then you wouldn't have to worry about temperature fluctuations, whether she's warm enough or not, or taking her out to run around. Chickens are flock animals and do best when they get to live like chickens. Good job on saving her!
I'd do what bobbi-j suggests.
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Great thank you. I had her outside for about 10 mins yesterday, it was v. sunny. so the other chickens and chicks could see her. The chick was pretty excited , and I was hoping my very motherly bantams would see her and take her in..they already have 2 2 week olds running around with them. but the bantams went kinda crazy, wings flapping and all, very close to chick, so I snatched her back real fast. was afraid she would get pecked, not accepted. ...............I have a Columba rock that is due to have a few chicks in a week, thought maybe I could sneak our chick in with them. or perhaps I should try with the bantams at night, only problem is they are now roosting up high with their -teenagers- there is one other option, we have one more hen with one little chick a week old, but this mom is extra protective, she is always puffed up, I have her spending some of her time away from the others, as they do not get along so well, luckily when I bring them all together , a bout half the day say, rooster will protect them when needed. okay, anyhow so what to do with this little one, how long is to late to hope she will get adopted and which option is best!! thank you so much for advice!!
It worked! I slipped the chick under our broody mom who has a 1 week old..and this morning they were all doing well! thanks again! sigh :)

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