how long does it take to lay an egg?

hi we have 8 hens, they have never stopped laying,, found the white stars the best layers,, and on top of the grains and layers mix every morning they get the rice (cooked) spuds and raw fruit every day,, this had never been a problem,, but we dont over feed the amount to them in doing this,, I have 2 rooster,, rhode island reds,, one of them has a butterfly comb,, but it is falling over,, the other one had a single comb and it is perfect,, I know its not their feed that is causing this ones comb to fall to one side, there is no discolouration on it,, it looks healthy, but just wont stand up,, Anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening,, they are all locked up every evening and the house is open for them to go in and out as they wish.

We are so excited! The second egg Vesta laid was a double yolked! Only small but definitely two separate yolks. Hope this is the pattern for the future. Our other hen, Venus, (don't ask me! My granddaughter named them and she is heavily into mythology!) hasn't started laying yet although her comb is getting nice and red. We are waiting for the third egg to appear sometime in the next hour or so. We have noticed that they put themselves to bed about ten minutes after official sunset time. Clever birds. Although they have trashed my garden but what the heck!
Congrats. I have 3 of 10 laying. 2 lay outside by a tree and 1 lays in the coop box. If I lock them up ( I may have a fox) after they have been free ranging will the 2 lay in a box ?
So this is my first post. I guess I'm doing it right. Wanted to know why I haven't had any eggs yet. I have 3 golden comets and 3 sec links I think there called. I had them since march 2014. I read on this site that golden comets should lay in 16-20 weeks. Didn't know if having 3 and3 if there waiting on each other to lay. I'm sure it's close now just getting a bit impatient I'm sure.
Fifteen Buff Orpington pullets - March, 2014 hatch - 20 weeks old, six are laying small, brown eggs. So far good fortune as far as keeping them healthy. I really enjoy my chickens. We also have two BO roosters.
Great post as I am sitting here waiting for my 26 wk old buff orpington who just went in the nesting box for her first time! !!!!!!!! The waiting is killing me lol she has been in there about 30 min!!

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