How long does it take you to fall asleep?

It takes me about an hour or more to fall asleep. Then I will wake up quite a few times in the night. I am always tossing and turning.
I've had a lot of sleep problems in the last few years, but I think it's because I have to get to bed at a decent hour since I'm a mom.

Previous to my child being born, I was a severe night owl. But then I'd sleep late into the morning and not be productive during the early day.

In order to sleep well now, I need a good amount of exercise and plenty of time outside. And I need to stay away from or TV...for several hours before bed.

I have been diagnosed with attention deficit also, and stimulants work strangely with me, often making me very sleepy, but having the opposite effect when they wear off. Half an hour after coffee or my old prescription stimulant medication, I was good for a nap. So in general, I need to pay attention to any form of extra stimulation in my life, including too much or too little excitement during the day.

Meditation has helped, as does keeping my house and life running smoothly. If I let things slip, I get angry with myself and a very vicious cycle starts, including insomnia.

Menopause was also mentioned...I've gotten some relief from oral contraceptives, which I restarted for a variety of reasons including insomnia. I know that hormones can play a huge role in sleep.

If I fall asleep well, I know that I am taking very good care of myself.
Oh...and my husband falls asleep in the 3.5 seconds mentioned earlier. Good for him. I guess!
If I lay down at midnight, I won't fall asleep until 4 to 6 am. I am a horrible insomniac, and I don't know why. Once I pass out I'm good till anywhere from noon to 4pm LOL!
I'm with Terrie.
Im a hit the pillow, knock-out sort of person. Then Im a wake up = get up type on the other end. No snooze button, usually.
I love my snooze button. It gets hit three times and then I get up. And takes 2 cups of coffee before I am human and will talk to anyone for any reason. That is why I don't do much moderating here when I get up!
I love my snooze button. It gets hit three times and then I get up. And takes 2 cups of coffee before I am human and will talk to anyone for any reason. That is why I don't do much moderating here when I get up!

Lori, my beloved, is like you Terrie. She's a snooze and roll over type - many times. Then 2-3 cups and makeup before humanity appears.
I too fall asleep when my head hits the pillow. I sleep like a log.......The only thing that can wake me up is a T-storm (love em)
And in the morning i am a bear to wake up, i have been known to take a swing at the innocent person trying to wake me. I have no memory of doing this. If sleeping was an olympic even, I would be champ

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