How long does it take you to fall asleep?

I'm with Terrie. Sometimes I'm asleep before my head hits the pillow (according to DH). I will sleep through anything. I slept through the Northridge earthquake in 1994, and it was about 10 miles from my house. All of our freeways collapsed and I had friends who lost their houses, but I didn't lose a wink.
I hate to say this but I sleep best when I'm really sick - and I like it when I can conk out for twelve hours straight. Otherwise, I'm doing chores in the middle of the night because I fuss and DH can't get any rest - which is most of the time.
I can sleep instantly. I pull a blanket or sheet over me and roll on my right side. Good night. My DH on the other hand, tosses and turns all night. He is often found at the wrong end of the bed after a particularly tough night. When we first got married (19 years ago) he used to be annoyed and amazed by my ability to sleep. None of his family can sleep.
The only time I ever get to read is at night, and I'm always exhausted, so I read myself to sleep usually in less than fifteen minutes. I am an extremely light sleeper, so any movement or unusual noise in the house will wake me up, and our family is on all different schedules....
that's one reason why I'm always exhausted at night! Usually I can go right back to sleep if I wake up, but I'm starting to go through that hormone roller coaster thing now, too...
i go out like a light in mere minutes then, every morning, whether i like it or not, i wake up at 6:30 without an alarm. even my rooster isn't crowing that early!

and when i wake up, i am AWAKE...
If I'm tired, I can usually fall asleep within a minute or so, anywhere, anytime. Once I'm asleep I sleep through almost anything, thunderstorms, trains, people trying to shake me awake...

This is not always a good thing as professors for some reason seemed to take offense when I've fallen asleep in their classes. Or while waiting for my grandmother to make her move in a board game
If I'm completely knackered, then it's as soon as my head hits the pillow. However, normally it probably takes me around 15 minutes. Then again, if the neighbour's dog wakes me up when I'm in that half-awake-half-asleep stage, then the whole process starts again

I never have any trouble getting back to sleep if I have woken up (rare), and once I am asleep I can sleep through almost anything!
Sleep has eluded me all my life. It takes a couple of hours laying in bed to get to sleep. After that, I wake up between 2-2:30 am and can't get back to sleep until 5-5:30 am. Of course, I'm supposed to be up and moving by 6:30, so I don't get much rest. If I take something to help me sleep, I usually fall asleep an hour after taking it and can actually go back to sleep when I wake up in the night. Unfortunately, I then have a lot of trouble rousing my self in the morning.

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