How long eggs last in refrigerator


12 Years
Aug 10, 2007
Redding, Ca.
I have read the posts and the "on the counter vs. in the refrigerator" debates. I understand from internet searching that eggs last in the fridge 5-6 weeks after purchase.

Since I am not purchasing, I would like to know how long our fresh eggs last in the refrigerator?

I tend to leave them on the counter, but I know they will stop laying this winter and would like to save some as long as possible.

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eggs last a VERY long time in the fridge. I've had eggs (not on purpose) for three to 6 months still be good (store bought). Who knows how long fresh eggs would last! The only difference is that some of the air cells have gotten larger and the membrane sticks to the yolk and white a bit when you go to crack the egg out. I thought they'd be rotten, so I cracked them into separate bowls, and they were all still good. Can't say much for the taste, or rather, LACK of taste. *sigh* that's store bought eggs, flavor, even when you first buy them, thin shells....Yuck!
I read something once that said eggs would last longer in the fridge if you put a plastic bag around them to keep in moisture, that the dry atmosphere in a refrigerator shortens their lifespan. Cant remember just how long, though.
You'd have to think that our fresh eggs would last longer than store bought. Those eggs have an expiration date on them and the egg gurus say 5-6 weeks.

It does make sense about the humidity issue, Cyn.

I just love these eggs so much and will miss them when winter comes.....

Well, with any luck your chickens will be like mine and keep on layin all through winter! My BR's and RIR's lay 6 eggs a week each, winter and all, so good luck!
Like the person before me stated.....
Why do you expect yours will quit laying in winter? Add a light bulb in the coop and you will get eggs all winter. I get more in the winter in Minnesota than I do in the summer because the hens are more comfortable (OK insulated coop here) but still. No reason why they can not lay in the winter.
Dunno, guess I just figured that with less light that they would lay less. I did not want to "wear them out" with adding more light in there. I thought it best to be natural.

Wasn't it Mother Earth News that did a study on various ways to store eggs and found unwashed eggs, with the bloom still on, lasted 6 months in the refrigerator?
Guess thats your choice and I can understand it but if I'm sinking feed and time into them I want SOME eggs in return.....
Your not going to wear them out.

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