how long in brooder box?


6 Years
Jun 1, 2013
I live in East Mesa, I brought home 5 baby chicks. The are 3 and 1/2 weeks old. They've been spending the day time in an outdoor coup with lots of food and water. We have been putting them in a brooder box in the house each night (in a room cut off from the air conditioning to keep them warm enough. They have been at my house 2 full weeks. This morning when I went to take them from the brooder box to outside coop I noticed that one had died in the night. He was my favorite too:(

His head was under the plastic food container that was in the brooder box. They have been fine temperature wise, so I'm not sure what happened. Is it possible that the other chicks stood/played in the container while it was on the one chick and that it killed him? I don't want it to happen again, so I want to make sure I know what happened.

They seem to be getting too big for the brooder box, but my area of town is cooler than Phoenix. We are still in the low 70s at night. Should I still be bringing them in each night?
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I had my 3 1/2 week old Light Sussex at 73 degrees and they did fine. Are they full feathered out? Mine were 3/4 feathered. They were in a brooder o the front porch but at 73 degrees. Sounds like your little one got trapped under the box and got stomped by his siblings. Things like that happen sometimes. Accidents. Can you run an extension cord out to the coop and leave a light on which they can sleep under for another week? They don't need the whole coop heated. Just a light hanging down in the center of the room is better , so they don't pile in the corner.

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