How long is to long to sit on eggs ?


12 Years
Jan 19, 2011
Hi, this is my first time hatching baby chicks of my own with my Buff Orphington. 3 babies hatched when I predicted it was 21 days. The 3 eggs that haven't hatched were put under her 4 days later so I have given them 4 more days but nothing has happened. Do you think I should give them more time or should she give up. She is still sitting on all three. The one brown egg seems to have a green coloring to it on the one end. Does that mean its no good? Anyone out there please give me a cheep back please. ~Chickenwhisperer16
Have you candled them? or listened to hear a peep? Might try that? There is a search box up top, if you type in your question, I bet you get a ton of posts on this and can read how others do theirs..brown eggs are a bit harder to candle, just and doesn't sound good, I never had a chicken keep a greenish egg though, they always pushed the bad eggs out of the nest...messed up chicks would go the same way as the eggs too...I always figured, if Momma rejects them, I wouldn't want them in my flock any way...just like a wild bird will cull the ones she knows won't make it, usually a momma chicken will do the same...mine did. IDK about these hatchery chickens though, they seem to have their natural instincts bred out of them??????

Best of luck and congrats on the little ones that have already you have food and water for chicks, for them, that is close by? Momma can eat chick crumble too, as she is not laying while raising them.
I have tried to look at them with a light bulb but no luck. I prob was doing it wrong. I do have food for momma and chicks. They eat all together. One of the chicks plays Chick on the mountain. Using momma as the mountain. LOL Its so cute to watch them.
Thanks for the info.

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