How long to leave on the peepers?


8 Years
Sep 7, 2011
A few months ago, I came for advice on feather pulling among my girls. Pinless peepers were among the recommendations and they have worked great. I was wondering now if anyone had advice on how long to leave these on? Did some research and had a hard time finding an answer. Any recommendations, or advice is much appreciated as always. Thanks! :D
Depending upon where you live, I would be tempted to wait until spring. If you are in a snowy area, birds may be restricted to the coop where boredom may set in and feather pecking resume.
Thanks, for the advice! We are in southern OH. so I think I will leave them on until spring.
I think this is a case of 'better safe than sorry'. As long as your birds are dealing with the Pinless Peepers, why take the chance of them reverting in their behavior? I think that you have made a good decision.

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