How long will they live?

Oh, how horrible. I'm so sorry. You know you don't think about all the different elements of how horrible these fires are. I'm so sorry. I hope your house and your chickens are okay. Please keep us informed. This is a terrible situation.
Yes, really they should let you return for the welfare of your pets if only to gather them up and feed/water them.
Im assuming that the fire has passed through already so I cant see any reason why not, Perhaps wind changes and all that.
Its horrible for you all and my heart goes out to you.
Keep us posted.
The whole fire thing is terrible and I feel so sorry for everyone that is losing there homes. I agree with Rocket Raley, why weren't the doors left open. I do not understand why I am reading about people that only had minutes to evacuate their homes. They knew these fires were coming. I would bet most of you would have had your animals packed up days in advance, just to be on the safe side. I know I would. A tarp over the back of a pickup would hold alot of birds. Let's all pray for calmer winds and rain.
Still have not been able to return home. The reason a coop door was not left open was because winds were 60 mph, many predators in area, we believed we would be home in a a short while. I was very close to where the fire started and it split into two sections and traveled very fast.

4-H chicken mom said
""I do not understand why I am reading about people that only had minutes to evacuate their homes. They knew these fires were coming. I would bet most of you would have had your animals packed up days in advance."""

I lived in the area that was the first to be evacuated. just a few hours after the fire started, i did not have days in advance to pack up. In the beginning, it wasnt even noticeable that there was a fire burning 3 miles. if you were inside and not watching tv you wouldnt have known. San Diego is a very large spread out city. Many of my neighbors were "in town" for the day, more than 45 miles, half of that down a winding mountain road. Many people who were not home werent even able to make it home before they sealed the area and didnt allow people in.
Don't think Fishkiller should have to defend his/her actions. They did what they though was right at the time. Hind sight is 20/20. Sorry to hear your story hope all is well when you can return.

Thank you fishkiller for explaining your plight. My question was nagging at me since the fires started. Why don't they get out before they get killed? Since you were the first ones to be affected, I see why you didn't have time to react, but after it became world news, there are still people on the news that hadn't got out yet. What are they thinking. You had to realize that someone was going to ask why you didn't leave the door open. I still say, I would have left it door open. If you have fires ragging down on you, the predators were already gone to safer grounds. I pray to god your home and chickens are safe.
Well after reading everyone's posts, watching the 20/20 special last night, and listening to people talk about it on the radio, I can completely understand why you didn't have time to think of everything when you were evacuated. I listened to a guy talk on the radio tonight on my way home. He lived in the suburbs of San Diego. All was good when he went to bed, then at like 3 am he got the reverse 911 call. They didn't have time to pack or anything. He had enough time to get himself, his wife, and his ailing mother to the car before houses started erupting in flames. Please let the critisms go and pray for all the people in that area who have lost so much. This is a time for us to pull together around those members of our BYC family and help them. I just ask that we try to help these people and keep them in our prayers.
Any update fishkiller? Praying for a good outcome for your chicks. i am in So Cal, but no where near a fire. Yet i have been thinking about what i would do if threatened. i did live through a fire in 93, and was only able to grab my cat - that was it.

Now i have four cats, 15 chickens, and two fish tanks. i guess in order i would load in the cats, the chickens, and then hope the fish make it - that is, if i had the time.

Hope all is well. Please let us know when you can. And also, let us all know how we can help!

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