How many animals do you have!

Oh, goodness.
One Indian Runner duck, DuckDuck.
One Silver Laced Wyandotte, Raven.
Two Easter Eggers, Brownie and Cinder.
One Barred Rock, Granite.
One Black Austrolorpe, Blackie.
One Jersey Giant, Wisteria.
One White Bantam Leghorn, Harriet.
One unnamed fish.
Two cats, Nova and Merlin. And we resued a kitten that's been living under our chicken coop without our knowledge this morning. He doesn't have a name yet, though.
Approximately 45 chickens. I try to name them occasionally, but I never can remember the names.

Four geese. No names because I can’t tell them apart anyway. S’posed to be 3 geese and 1 gander, but I have no idea which one is the gander.

Three ducks, all drakes. I had four, but one died. They waddle along all single-file so I did name them (though they’re impossible for me to tell apart) because they remind me of the White Album: they’re John, Paul, George & Ringo. DH decided the dead one was John. :confused:

Thirty turkeys—half are headed to the freezer soon. (I keep saying that...)
Hmm, I've downsized a little but let me see.
10 chickens, only a few are named: MC Kittenpants, Adore, Juju
1 rabbit named Kitty
1 dog named Goldie
A fishtank of fish and snails
A guinea pig named Rosemary
A cow named Jezebel
A donkey named Brienne
Two goats: Goober, Korra
Maybe 15 pigs, I don't remember, only a few named: Pinkie, Xena, Dulcinea
2 turkeys: Tom and Holly
4 ducks

I think that's everything...

Forgot the cats, 4: Callie, Max, Leo, Alaric goes....we have...
1 rooster, Spike..
3 names
13 chickens- a few breeds, one is named whitey
18 pullets- EE, BO, NHR, bantams- Miss Lydia and Olivia
27 ducks- many kinds— Little Lou, MyGuy, Pearl,Sami,Stevie,Stan,Aunt Helen,, Louise, “the babies”, Charcoal, Pete
1 Toulouse goose- Honky
2 pot belly pigs- Jumbo and Portly
1 Hampshire pig- Slim Jim
26 rabbits-New Zealand and California breeds— Uncle George, Jack, Smokey Joe, Alice, Dottie..(6 are babies) (2are due to give birth this week!)
2 goats- Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf-Stormy and Busty..both due to kid end of month!
3 dogs -shi tzu Muggs, French bulldog Grover and Bulldog Ruby
2 large minnows from our pond living in fish tanks separately because they eat other fish...both named Sparkles
Does Busty have a large udder?
I have:
3 dairy goats, 1 is pregnant, and we are buying another doe within the month
1 Australian Shepard (mini)
17 rabbits (mini rexs, holland lops, and a handful of other breeds)
2 gerbils
15 chickens (all different breeds, ages, etc.) getting a new roo within the month
1 crowntail betta
2 brackish shrimp
2 bee hives
2 barn cats

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