How many approximate years will an Hen lay eggs?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 9, 2010
I have white leghorns, rhode island reds and barred rocks. All of the girls are 3- 4 yrs old.
Egg laying is not as high as when they were younger.
Any comments on length of egg laying life is appreciated.
Hi there,

Its a question I get asked regular, but to be honest I don't know the answer as I rotate my hens. I find after the first year of laying egg production will drop sharply. I don't see the point in keeping hens that are not producing so they end up in the pot and I have a new flock waiting to take command of production. I know people who have had the same layer hens for years and complain they don't get eggs. I give the above advice.
Of course layer hens give a more concentrated delivery of eggs unlike some other breeds which will spread the laying over a longer period. Also take into account conditions such as weather/ season as this will affect laying and you should be able to make a sound valuation before making a decision.

I think it depends on how attached you are to your hens. I have two left from my first 6 purchased 5 1/2 years ago. They are happy BFs and still lay approximately 5 eggs a week between the two of them. That makes me happy, but more importantly THEY make me happy. I have 14 new ladies that are just beginning to lay and I look forward to lots of eggs and no plans to eat them. I have nothing against raising them for meat because I know everyone has their own preference. Good luck on whatever you decide.
thank yo... hard for me to put them in a pot!

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