How many chickens can I keep in this coop/run?

Yes I will put in at least one more roost, possibly two for a total of 4 or 5 length of 6' roosts. I got very good ventilation in there, I sat in there with the door closed at noon and it was not bad at all. Just have to arrange things that they don't poop on each others heads and don't prevent access :)
We got racoons here that are much smaller than the ones in Canada and I assume the USA but I am sure they can still cause havoc. Do they usually kill and eat chickens and are chickens stupid enough not to run away if they are waken by one on the outside?
They grow to be about the size of a fat cat. The run is not against the fence so my dogs can walk around the perimeter (not that they are on a patrol at night, rather they are snoring) if they want.
I will fix up a nipple waterer with 5 nipples today (2 nipples on the inside and 3 on the outside) and have a galvanized treadle feeder ordered. By the time the chicks arrive I should have all things set, not that they will use the treadle feeder, the roosts and go outside for a while.
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A Great Dane who is very docile, a lab mix who sleeps 23 hours a day and a crazy potcake Bahamian mutt who looks like
and loves to catch rats.
The only one I worry about is the potcake and I hope she will get used to the chicks and not hunt them.
You can train your dogs not to mess with the chickens, and they are then some of the best predator protection you can get, especially one who goes after rats. I had 4 dogs who I supervised and trained for a few months, probably longer than I needed to. Two of them started out as chicken chasers but they were quite trustworthy in the end. A pure (supposedly) lab, a pure (supposedly) Jack Russell, one that looks like a Chihuahua/spaniel/whoever mix, and a retriever mix. All rescues so am not sure.

Dogs will play shake-and-play with chickens and can kill a whole flock this way, eating nothing, in pure play. You just have to teach that chickens are not allowable toys.
You should see how this potcake shakes rats. She has the technique perfected. Will keep an eye on her rest assured.
Two of mine worked together to dig out a rat, one at either hole, and killed and ate them. Of course there can be more than two holes... but they got lots of rats.
Chickens go in a stupor at night and are easily killed as they don't wake up quickly and are nearly blind in the dark. This is why even a small night predator is so successful.

As for the number of chickens I'd stick with no more than 12 as it may get too warm for them. Each hen produces quite a bit of heat and their breathe a lot of moisture. Too much moisture in the hen house can increase the chance of respiratory problems and mold in side the house. A good standard is 10-12" on the roost per hen. Keep in mind that they get closer to each other when its cold and farther apart when its hot.

For a 36 sq. foot hen house:
Best scenario is 4 sq. feet per bird (4x9=36) 9 hens total.
If you have lots of ventilation and its not too hot at night then 3 sq. feet per bird is acceptable ( 3x12=36) 12 hens total.
Less than 2 sq. feet per hen is way too crowded and I strongly feel is not safe for their respiratory system.
I will have 4 or 5 x 6' roost and at night it is not too bad.
Ventilation is excellent there is no moisture or heat build up.
Will try to keep 16 inside and put up an outside roost or two. Did not know about the stupor and blindness thing :)
I have never seen a raccoon inside my yard for the past 7 years. Other than that we got fowl snakes that eat eggs, those maybe visiting but can't get inside the coop.
IN any case I would not discomfort the birds so if I got no safe space I will extend the coop space by adding another one.
Just a follow up, the chicks have arrived today. They are all OK, all 50 of them. They are all eating.For now I will keep them in this cardboard box in my office with two lights. They seem to be comfortable.
Below are two pics:



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