How many chickens can you have?

Live in a rural area - 5 acres - no specific limits that I found . We do have pilgrims nearby though , so that’s probably why there aren’t strict rules ? We have 10 gals
Papa always said buy all the land you can, they aint making any more of it.
Love this. A few years back we had an property issue with a neighbor. My surveyors line was “zoning by owning”. We have 8 acres in between a few housing developments that is still listed as AG1 which in NY means I can run a farm. The neighbor with the issue left after I brought in 12 roosters. He is gone now and so are the Roos but the new neighbor loves the chickens.
Win Win.
Holy smokes!!! 90 acres sounds like a dream!! I’m limited to 8 but I’m trying to see if I could have 10. 😜 Like who would really know. Otherwise, I will have to rehome 2.
The biggest question is where do you live? Do you have city/county/HOA rules you have to follow? I live in a small midwest town and they have limits. However, I am over the limits at this moment.
We have 22 hens & enough roosters for 22 more hens so they're in a pen waiting for the young chicks to mature while we plan to eat the young cockerels as fryers. If egg sales remain good then we may go for even more layers.
Hi everyone!!!

I know there’s different rules depending on where you live. I was wondering if you guys have the max amount of chickens allowed in your area, or more or less?

We’re allowed 50 per acre (so we’d be 120 or so)but we have about 30. Excluding Turkey and Guineas
I have 12 hens,1 pullet, 1 cockerel, and 1 rooster. I also have five ducks who are currently sleeping in a large stock tank at night, my family and I are going to start working on the duck house very soon. I may not be correct, but I don’t think there are any limits in Hawaii on how many birds you can keep.

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