How many chickens half acre

What about quuail? my annd family want an acre. how many quail can I fit on an acre?

Quail fly really well. So they are raised in cages, or pens with roofs.
The number of quail will be limited by the amount of pens you want to make and take care of.

Unless you intend to sell quail, you should have no trouble raising as many as you want on an acre.
like others have said you most likely could have a lot of chickens on an acre.

just going to bring up to other points of thought.

1. i would check local or state/provincial laws, where i live we can have 299 layers, 99 turkeys and 999 meat chickens with out any issue go over that and you need to buy into quota (not sure how it quite works) might have 160 acres zoned agriculture but still can not go over that. (with out getting into quota)

2. also predators, the bigger you go the harder it is to keep everyone safe.
I had about twenty birds and some small livestock on a quarter acre. The birds got fed every night and freeranged every day. Now I have over 3/4 acre and other livestock. My 3/4 can easily handle about 40 birds, including bantams, but over that and I start having over hunting. I hope that helps, but I can’t tell you further because they have other critters with them too.
Thanks. Very much. 20 was on my mind.
My recommendation would be to go with 108 square feet of yard or range space per laying hen. That is the same as 10 square meters per hen, which is the EU standard for pasture-raised poultry.

As far as the coop or the henhouse goes, you generally want either 4 square feet per chicken or a maximum of 3 chickens per square meter of coop space.

Try going to to check standards for pasture-raised eggs. Pasture-raised eggs are THE premium egg product. They offer better nutrition than “cage free” eggs where the hens stay in barns and don’t get sunshine, grass, or insects.

You might also want to consider small mobile coops (with roosts and nest boxes) on wheels that can be rotated amongst pastures. That avoids degrading the soil near a hen house.

BTW, I’m NOT advertising for Vital Fams hee hee. Zero remuneration.

I just like their product and concept, which is in line with new European Union standards for free range hens. Vital Farms works in the Southern US, where hens can be allowed to free range all year without too much ice and snow.

Am just sharing the current trends and new standards.
Legally... a lot. It depends where you live. A minimum of 8 square feet a chicken
Technically you could have 2722.5 chickens (just cut one in half :D).
Don’t you know chicken math? Bantams are already .5 of a chicken which means you could actually double that number😉. I am of course joking, nice going on bringing math into all this!

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