How many chicks do you have?

Oh, don't I wish! I was only going to have 2,which quickly multiplied into 8. I'd love a few more.
Thanks for that. I rarely get feed back on my pics. They do an amazing job and I wish more people knew how rewarding it can be to raise birds with their children. I am always surprised as to how many people are afraid of birds. Last summer my assistant could barley look at the chickens much less shoo them into the coop...This year she can not only shoo them in but has not problem picking them up.
coop 1: 9
coop 2: 7
coop 3: 12 (the chicks)
incubator: 16 eggs

i was soooo good today, the feed store had all sorts of colorful baby cochins! and i didn't buy a single one.
DH told me a good little story this evening. We had wanted to get chickens in our old apartment, but it was his parents' duplex, and they had fits of twitching every time he mentioned it, so we never bothered to push it. Well, the kid who is living there now (son of their good friends) asked this spring if he could have two or three chickens. The in-laws relented, and said he could have a couple - as long as there were only a couple.

Chicken Math got the kid. He has eight. I LOVE IT.
I have seven, two Buff Orpington, two Easter Eggers, one Barred Rock, one Deleware and one Rhode Island Red. My favorites are the Buffs and the Barred Rock, they are very friendly. The others not so much!

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