How many chicks is TO many?!?!

I bought 7 chicks in January just so we could have a few fresh eggs. Then I found this forum!!!!!!!!!!! Now I have 50 something, and 34 in the bator!!!
It's true, they ARE like potato chips!
Ummmmmmmm.........I think if you reeeeeeally want an answer to that question, you might want to ask your DH rather than us! I only wanted 5, but have 15 laying hens, a rooster, 7 chicks in the brooder, and appointments for the next 2 Wednesdays with the feed store for more chicks! LOL

If I could somehow persuade DH to build me a chicken mansion, who knows how many I'd end up with!

edited cuz I get in too big a hurry. Sorry.
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have you asked the wrong group of ppl that ? these are your enablers, never to many chicks to them.
I jumped right in with 30 mixed breed pullets, and tonight I was already planning for the future. Should the farm fresh egg business prove to be a good one around here, I'll plan ahead for another 50 or more. Being a "farmer" is sounding more and more like fun every day.

Big Charlie
56 chicks in the basement (with 5 Black East Indie ducklings), 32 adults in the hen house... And I was disappointed when I had to go to TSC the other day, and it was quiet in there. No cheep, cheep...

When the chicks grow up and don't have room to move around without running into each other, you have a few too many. Poultry is an addiction. I always warn folks just starting out.
OKAY! OKAY, everyone! You have all made me laugh
(a lot, mind you) and have also made me feel LOTS better!
My sister thinks I'm crazy (she's scared of my nephew's White Rocks), so I needed some encouragement. The funny thing is, I knew exactly where to go to get it! You all are so great! The first thing my sister asked me when I told her that I had ordered twenty more chicks was, "What in the world are you going to do with that many chickens? Feed is getting so expensive, how are you going to feed them?" My sister also owns 8 large dogs! You want to talk about being expensive to feed!!!
Thanks to all for the MANY laughs and of course, the wonderful encouragement for my new found love!
Hey gumpsgirl,

where in VA are you? I am in southside near Martinsville (Speedway). And it must be a VA thing to go and buy RIR's cause I just purchased 12 the other day and I am going back for more (maybe Golden Reds this time).

But I am like you, I plain fell in love. And try this....just put your hand in the brooder and fix like a perch for them with it. They will climb all over your hand and try to climb up your are. I call this bonding with the chicks.

I actuall had one to fall asleep on my hand last night while doing that. It is sooooooooo cute.

Enjoy your new family members, no matter how many you get.
Hey gumpsgirl,
In case you didn't get my PM, I am in the Axton area also. check out you PM box for details.
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Do all of you have big farms? I have a 75x120 lot in a res neighborhood. so far no problem I have 28 and growing. taking 10 roos to auction and coming home with ??????? Chickens are great !!!!

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