How many coturnix quail can fit in a 10 foot long, 5 foot wide, 6 foot high chain link dog pen?

Pet Duck Boy

10 Years
Dec 12, 2009
Orlando, FL
So my chickens are passing away sadly, and although they were great I'm interested in getting into meat birds so I don't have to get too attatched. I figured coturnix quail would be a good starting point, good meat, relatively easy maintenence, and good eggs! I'll probably just recycle my chicken pen as the new quails' home. Like I said in the title, dimensions are 10x5x6 in feet, I'm curious about how many I could fit in here. Since the holes in the chain link are probably big enough for the quail to slip through I plan to fortify it with chicken wire. Otherwise everything is setup, roof, predator proof, bedding, etc.
So my chickens are passing away sadly, and although they were great I'm interested in getting into meat birds so I don't have to get too attatched. I figured coturnix quail would be a good starting point, good meat, relatively easy maintenence, and good eggs! I'll probably just recycle my chicken pen as the new quails' home. Like I said in the title, dimensions are 10x5x6 in feet, I'm curious about how many I could fit in here. Since the holes in the chain link are probably big enough for the quail to slip through I plan to fortify it with chicken wire. Otherwise everything is setup, roof, predator proof, bedding, etc.
Easy 50.Might consider divideing it ...cva34

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