How many duck eggs did you get today?

After having reached the peak at 7 per day the ducks drew back to 6, probably because of daylight as we enter autumn.

There was a slight disturbance in the force when two geese joined the flock and I was not sure how much food to prepare for everybody; so one day there were just 3 eggs. I'm now counting each goose as 2 ducks (they are Franconians, a small breed) and we seem to be back to normal.

For variety on top of adding more kiddie pools for geese I also set one of them up as a feeding trough where I keep chopping weeds into water as I go by with the dogs and various daily tasks. Dandelion, plantain, clover, yarrow etc... Both the ducks and the geese like that a lot. I'm hoping it gives them an extra good health boost before winter. Although the birds should really be finding these plants on their own, it's not like there's a shortage, they still love picking them out of the water.
First duck egg!

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