How many duck eggs did you get today?

Is it common for ducks going through a molt to continue to lay eggs
I have 10 of age to lay
I have feathers all over the pen and my yard and my ducks look like crap from molt but I’m getting 10 eggs daily still
Even one of my drakes has stopped mating
Why are my girls still laying
These poor girls are machines
2 of them started to lay in April of 2022 and haven’t missed a day yet
Even with one having a fungal issue that took the vets 5 months to figure out
3 bacterial antibiotics and 90 days of fungal antibiotics and hormone shots to stop her from laying never stopped her ! But the shot did cause her eggs to get very thin and break easy even 5 months later :(
The days are now noticeably shorter but we're still getting an average of 6 eggs per day from 8 young ducks. I'm starting to see feathers on the ground more often so that will be I guess another thing affecting the rent we receive from the ducks...


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