How many duck eggs did you get today?

I had one of my Buffs start back laying during the awful weather back in Jan like Siberian temps. She laid for a week and then stopped. I have females from 7 yrs down to 6 months and right now only my youngest have just started to lay. Just make sure to feed them well keep oyster shell available and most likely you’ll be seeing eggs again soon. Plus when they get around 2 yrs and older they just don’t lay like they did when before 2 yrs although my one Muscovy who will be 13 in June laid 12 eggs last year surprised the heck out of me.
Thank you! One thing that has always perplexed me since I got these girls a couple years ago….I have ALWAYS provided crushed oyster shells for them. I have NEVER ONCE seen them eating them or even going anywhere near them. I even change them out on occasion. They are in a separate bowl right next to their food and water.

Maybe I should mix them in with their food?
Thank you! One thing that has always perplexed me since I got these girls a couple years ago….I have ALWAYS provided crushed oyster shells for them. I have NEVER ONCE seen them eating them or even going anywhere near them. I even change them out on occasion. They are in a separate bowl right next to their food and water.

Maybe I should mix them in with their food?
I wouldn't mix it. They may have a natural source of Calcium in your area and just don't need much extra supply. My ducks do not like when their oyster-shells become wet, they eat them only when they are bone-dry.

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