How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I got one. Not much for those of you with regularly laying girls, but my girls have just reached the laying stage and I have had one a day for three days. Each one (IMO) from a different girl. My little red bantam made the biggest to do yesterday and it took her forever but around 3:30-4:00 she produced her first egg. She started singing around 8:30am - just after DH and I had cleaned the coop and run. Every few minutes she would run as fast as her little bitty legs would carry her back into the coop and build a new nest, singing all the way at the top of her lungs.
There must have been twenty "nests". It is an eggciting time for us
I should have waited until the end of the day to post - I got 1 from my white leghorn and one of my EE pullets laid a green egg! YEAH!!!
Her first!!!! The two eggs on the top of the carton I picked up today after returning home from New Years' Eve luncheon.


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