How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

wow you guys 32!!!! are they getting any size? I'm 1/2 and 1/2 now hee hee but the pullet eggs are so darling!! the golden's are laying jumbos and Betty extra large, the RIR's are getting bigger daily, and the speckeld B*#$@ is still farting minnies, even though she is the chubby of the crowd, but we still love her, she talks and has the funniest attitude, so curious and bawk bawk bawk nosey, follows me around bawk bawk bawk asking What are you doing? bawk bawk bawk Where is the yogurt mash?
well most of them are starting to get to a good size every now and then a golden sex links spits out a jumbo egg but we still getting pewee eggs but its all good they are getting bigger everyday
and every now and then i accidentaly drop an egg i get so angry at my self but thats part of it but other than that the girls are doing a great job giving us eggs
well most of them are starting to get to a good size every now and then a golden sex links spits out a jumbo egg but we still getting pewee eggs but its all good they are getting bigger everyday 
and every now and then i accidentaly drop an egg i get so angry at my self but thats part of it but other than that the girls are doing a great job giving us eggs 

Yes time for an egg basket! My housecoat pockets are getting too small lol , so far only broke one! But percent is Probley equal to yours
We got our first egg - well, egg(s) from one easter egger! We've got 1 EE and 3 Buff Orps, and the EE laid and the Buffs are still thinking about it I suppose. Our EE (Sparrow is her name) laid 2 her first day...what a champ.

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15 out 55

Are you getting eggs all day or only in the morning? I see you posted a few times yesterday as the count went up so I guess I've answered my own question. Hopefully that 15 for today will increase.

As an aside, I've been through Sherwood a time or thirty. Dad and Step-mom used to live in Yamhill, then McMinnville, Wilsonville the last 12 years.
No eggs yet.
No eggs yet.

HANG IN There they do start I Promise!!!

We got our first egg - well, egg(s) from one easter egger! We've got 1 EE and 3 Buff Orps, and the EE laid and the Buffs are still thinking about it I suppose. Our EE (Sparrow is her name) laid 2 her first day...what a champ.

SO Cool those blue eggs!!

yesterday 9/9 layers!!! YES! i am getting 7 or 8 most days.
WoW Awesome 9/9!!!! oh what a feeling after raising these chooks huh?
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