How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I’m new to back yard chickens and new to having chickens !

A lady was getting rid of chickens not laying eggs/older chickens. I asked to have the black one (looked like it was picked on by the others) and I would give it a good home. I have found out it’s an “Astrolorp” The day after I got the above egg !!!! from September 8 to today my chicken named “General Chang” has only miss 3 days giving me an egg. Five days ago I thought Chang might be lonely so I got a red/brown chicken “gold sex link” I named “sexy red” and red has been kind enough to give me an egg a day. They now live in acre of fenced ground to explore and eat bugs and hopefully keep up the egg production .. (side note, I don’t eat eggs so I take them back up to the lady I got the chickens from !)

Very cool web sight !
IMO, sexlinks just can't be beat for egg production. We have 6 reds and average 5 a day. The girls are not quite 10 months old and their eggs are getting bigger as well. I'm glad you have yours...even if you don't eat the eggs, it's awesome that you gave them a good home and I'm sure the lady you give them to appreciates them :)

We only got 4 today, but they're all extra larges, and we got 6 yesterday and the day before. I just couldn't be more pleased with them. Besides delicious eggs, they're just so danged much FUN!
Hedgefun- explain "gas mark 6" please!
Nelson- just curious....what do you do with all those eggs? Eat, or sell?

9 eggs today! I couldn't be happier and either could most of my family members!
Only one so far before the sun came up but Holy Cow it is huge!!!!!
compared to yesterdays eggs 3.5inches long, poor Frankie wasn't
chattering in the nest box as usual, she was groaning, ouch!


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