How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My girls are just comming out of a moult, actually a few still are moulting. I have 25, 12 over a year and 13 hatched between 4/1/12 and 6/15/12. I have been getting 1-2 eggs evey couple days then Saturday I went to check on then and I had 7, yesterday 6, today I had three when I went home for lunch hoping to have at least 3 more when I get home tonight. some are new layers I can tell by the color of the eggs some are my old failthful girls. Can't wait to go out there and fill my basket's not a very large basket. Maybe in the spring!!
In regard to your scale... I also track egg weights... actually, here's a compilation of screenshots from my spreadsheets. I'll pop it in here real small so it's not obnoxious in this thread, but you can click on it to see a bigger version.

You sure you are an artist and not an engineer or accountant? WAY too detailed and scientific for a free spirited artist

Looks like Nandi and Saffron need a kick in their fluffy butts!

2 (1 EE, 1 BA) today as of 12:30. Both from girls that laid by 9 yesterday. I was going to check them earlier but it isn't nice to walk out during the President's press conference, right?

5 more at 4:15 (after the temps started dropping

Everyone that laid yesterday laid again today, with the exception of the Ancona. Not sure the other EE will lay again tomorrow as the eggs have been getting pretty light green. She's laid 10 days straight and her earlier eggs were darker. I think that means she's going on a break for a day or two to mix up some more pigment.

As soon as things slow down around here, (yeah right, like that's ever going to happen!) I'd like to keep better track of who lays what, and when. For now, I'll just play the "guess how many eggs I'll get?" In the morning and see if I was right in the evening. I'm so bad at remembering at the end of the hectic day how many I got, I have to start a new carton each morning, and I only have eight chickens! My MIL just had surgery, so I've been helping her, and I also help my elderly neighbor, plus my 3 day a week job as a preschool teacher. I've been quite busy lately, and not pampering my chickens like I was. I got 4/8 today, early, so I should get the full 8 tomorrow.
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