How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Birds don't have vaginas and anal tracts. They have only one opening for everything: the cloaca. Pee, poop sperm and eggs all come out of that same opening. I just had a hen die from being eggbound. Here are pics of the autopsy where you can see developing eggs of all sizes.

I get 7 without fail from my 9 sweeties. Can't wait til next five are laying. Only month or less till I should start seeing more!!!
Uhm, they do have what is sometimes called a vagina inside the cloaca, as well as a separate intestine that opens there as well.
here is a link to a diagram (very graphic):
both open into the chamber, and are obviously controlled so eggs do not come through the feces.
I also found some posts on egg bound here as well... I really hope I never have to deal with that...

I forgot to add, today Red laid the only egg...
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Ah, ya got me. Thanks for the pic. :)

I generally know what I am talking about.
I do a lot of research.
I saw other diagrams that don't use teh exact same terminology.
But anyway, now we know, and I seem to see that the eggs come from above the intestine, not below it.
Birds are not the same as mammals, LOL
Last year was my first time raising birds from chicks...
I plan to raise a few more next year.
Would like to get some easter egg chikkinz...
11/11 !!

The far left egg is a "fart egg" as I saw it referred to elsewhere on the forum (LOL)
and the other eggs are all from Isa Browns - as you can see varying from smaller to double yolkers (on the far right)

From 6 chooks we tend to get 4 - 5 eggs per day.
Well, past 2 days one one egg per day, ugh.

Today, 2 eggs so far.

Austra was the last of the 3 to start laying eggs, and seems to be the first to slow down...

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