How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2 from 3 today. That makes 4 days in a row that I have only gotten 2 eggs. They had been pretty steady with 3 eggs from 3 hens with an occasional 2 egg day. Was out working in the chicken yard creating more aerial obstructions most of the day. Saw the hawk hanging around, the chickens were good about staying under the barn when the hawk was around. It's the same hawk ( or same hawk family) that has been here the 7 years that we've been living here.
five out of five. and three in the same Nest box!
3/10.....4 if you count that crazy fart egg

I shouldn't say I have 10 hens, I have 4 that are not laying and haven't all winter...2 are probably to old and wont lay again and will go to freezer camp with the young roosters in the next couple weeks
I have 12 pullets and they ALL lay in the same spot.  Won't use the 5 nest boxes I have for them but they have made a little nest underneath the nest boxes and that's where they all go.  Sometimes there is a waiting line with 4 or 5 standing around yelling for the one on the nest to hurry up!  LOL
I had six boxes and they only used two, so I cleaned out the other four and started using them to store supplies. I pulled out a bag of BOSS and an egg fell out and cracked. When I used it for storage they'd lay in there, when I'd clean it out and make it a nest box again, they wouldn't. Silly hens.

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