How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yesterdays count.
I would have had more but my 2 dogs raided the coop while I was refilling the water. Darn egg sucking dogs, they eat the shell and everything.
Just 4 from 8 hens today. One of the young (just started laying this month) Ameraucanas looks like she is loosing the feathers under her chin and on the side. Don't know if someone is picking on her ( literally) or what. I'll keep an eye on her and see what happens.
I got 10 first time I went out, went back out later and found another - popped it into my pocket and promptly forgot all about it. A little later it was only when my dog kept trying to stick his head into my pocket that I realised I had a broken egg in my pocket! Eeek!
I got 10 first time I went out, went back out later and found another - popped it into my pocket and promptly forgot all about it. A little later it was only when my dog kept trying to stick his head into my pocket that I realised I had a broken egg in my pocket! Eeek!

But really, it's not so funny until after you get changed out of the yolked up clothing. I've done this before and it's no bueno!

I got 3/7 eggs.. My hens are mad. I didn't let them free range today because they won't stop going to the neighbor's house. So I won't let them out again until I repair my fence!

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