How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Sounds like you have read some of my postings in the past and you are doing it correctly alright just this morning one of my boy's and I went to the thrift store to get a couple of blankets to toss on the ground to get wet and the chickens sit on it to keep cool and yes it is in the shade for them and for entertainment I found a bug light for $ 5. dollars, so I will be putting it out for them tonight and it will be zapping bugs for them and right now they are having fun with the fly's getting zapped by the bug zapper so I drought it will be unattended this evening .....

I just let some of the 4 week olds out ,,,,,, Okay they escaped when I opened the cage door to feed them and they are having the time of their lives running around in the sun and the adults are in the shade trying to stay cool .....

Perfect cooled water and shade Great but also try some Electrolyte in the drinking water as it works wonders ... :)

We had a new duckling hatch out in the incubator today if it survives I will be putting up new photos of it tomorrow ......

gander007 :old     
Thank you!!!! Love the idea of the wet blanket on the ground. Need to go to the feed store tomorrow for chick feed so I will grab some more electrolytes.
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9 Chicken egg's but one was cracked and another got broken .....

Temp for the day 108 F degrees by 10:00 AM on the front porch in the shade
2/4 today. And after yesterday's high of 110 I was hoping that they didn't come!!!!!! Today's temps were slightly lower, only 104.....almost winter like conditions :). Lol

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