How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

How is everyone holding up with this cold weather?

How cold has it been where you are?

How are your livestock doing?

What have you done differently because of the cold weather?

Thank you!

It hit the low teens several nights in late October and November but got balmy in December. Cold has returned and long range forecast looks like a lot of low teens the next couple months. However, that's a vast improvement over last winter when it was near zero most of the winter and hit minus 19F.

I started increasing light a bit 3 weeks ago to achieve about 11 + hours a day. Went from 1-2 a day from 10 non-broody hens to 6-8 eggs a day now. I'll keep the light coming on at 5:45 AM and with longer days, I expect to continue a good rate from the mature hens.
I've kept the POL pullets on low light (about 8 hours) with an occasional egg every few days out of 25 pullets.
Cold here near Albany, NY, but not terribly windy. On Christmas, I put up two new sections of PoultryNet and the chickens have been LOVING it! I have 38 in a big coop with a heated waterer and three new ones (Welsummer, Gold-Laced Buff Brahma, and Cream Legbar) in a smaller coop with attached run, inside the electric fencing as well.
All seems good. Changing out the non-heated waterers twice a day, bringing down a few more treats & scratch, but otherwise its business as usual.
Having the 8x12 surrounded with our old storm windows and perches inside has been key. I like that they are and can be outside in almost any weather.
So far so good...but I've only been a chicken owner since late August!!!
Sorry I was of our friends passed away (RIP) yesterday and we are trying to re-home a lot of livestock.  I'm taking the one lone duck, and am helping to find homes for 25 hens, 10 goats, 25 rabbits, and 8 horses.  This is a difficult task in the coldest week of the middle of the winter, especially for homing the horses.  Most people put just enough hay up to feed the horses they currently own, and do not have extra  feed for any additional horses.

Glad that your flock is doing better.  I still need to look my flock over closer to check for frostbite, I was just to busy yesterday to do it.  

How is the waterer working out?

Oh gosh so sorry about your friend, what a lot to take on. I could only imagine trying to rehome everyone in the middle of winter. Hay is no joke in Colorado, we have friends who can barely afford to keep their horses anymore due to hay costs. They say it went up last year and never came back down in a lot of things lately.

Our gang is doing better, our alpha roo looks a little better today, his wattles are still slightly swollen. I turned on the heat lamp last night didn't want the gang to have any more frostbite damage than they already got. Coop didn't get below 25 last night and humidity didn't go above 31. The water is good during the day with the warmer temps 20-30's right now. I dump it out at night and start over fresh. I ended up with the smaller chick waterers for the solution. Sucks having to fill up multiple times a day.

How is everyone holding up with this cold weather?  :sick

How cold has it been where you are?

How are your livestock doing?

What have you done differently because of the cold weather?

Thank you!

Last night we stayed about 0, the night before was our coldest yet at -14 the night before was -9. Days have been hardly out of freezing until yesterday, predicted to be mid 20's today.

We have four birds with a touch of frostbite.

What would I have done differently? - turned on the heat lamp two nights ago. Our run has a lot of straw in it and lots of roosts as well, the gang has continue to be outside most of the day even on the coldest days we always have about 8-10 out. The ones that seem least affected by the cold are our Dark Cornish, they also have the smallest combs and wattles along with the Easter Eggers.

Hope everyone in back east stays warm! We are hoping our pipes thaw today.
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I'm very sorry to hear of your loss.

Here we put up tarps for the first time because it is so dang windy. The cold wouldn't be half so hard to deal with if it weren't for wind. The corn farmers around here like to cut all the tree lines for.more crop room and it just blows. We also use the heated dog water bowls out in the run (now coves by the tarps). The flock seems to be alright. Frostbite hit early this year, but we're more prepared now.

Ended up with only 2/13 again...I guess I'd go on strike too if i lived out there haha

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