How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I have 10 more for the count
And one Huge egg

My 3 golden comets are still laying an egg a day. I'm building a 10x10 shed for them so I can get them some friends
Bad birdies!!!! You could do what my husband tried to do when we had our first cold snap with the chickens... He tried to install a heat lamp... Let's just say that within seconds we pulled it because our evil,
rooster burnt half his feathers off his butt... Backed right up to it...

After that he started attacking me and my children... I almost wish HE had of been the one that vanished this week....

Ouch, yeah no heat except for the waterers. I had a monster bantam roo (freezer camp) the 2 I have now are gorgeous and wonderful.Very lucky.
Must brag. 9/15 and one was a big double yoker!!!! Happy dance. First one ever!!!
Cool. I get one almost once a week, someone's plumbing is freaky. LOL

Hi, I'm all new to this so not sure how the BYC works yet

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