How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

collected 9 eggs this morning! after feeding them to find one of my dottes had blown her self out with an exxxxtra large jumbo an bleed to death where she layed..... ?? does this sound normal/abnormal due to her being 3 years old?? or just from such a jumbo egg?
I got 9 from 10,today and yesterday?,they are in the coop and havent been out for over a week.They are getting restless and are very loud when i come in,but they wont go out in the snow when i try to coax them out,,they usually quiet down then!.Hoping for a perfect score someday soon,10 from 10. Harvey
So far not sure how many but I did find something intersting when I got home today...


Not sure what kind, gender or even if he's a pet or wild... I got about 4 feet away and he bolted.. Did not fly.. Looks like clipped wings... Idk... :pop

I'll set back and watch but I may have a duck....

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