How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Buff Orpingtons == 8 out of 9 first time ever and i'm convinced it's the artificial light morning and night on a timer. My girls ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5/17 that are definately old enough to lay, plus I have 4 that are potentially old enough - biding my time with them since it is winter now.

I did get a brown oblong egg that seems new the last few days - not sure if it is my Cuckoo maran starting up laying after her molt again and the eggs are just goofy or if I have a new brown egg layer.
Oh, if you were to believe them they never get fed. We can't walk out the backdoor without them charging to the front of the run calling to us to please feed them. Each evening we give them lettuce that I chop up, any old bread, and occasionally a couple of ears of fresh corn when we can get it. The other day I was worried when I read about tarry poop so I emptied a carton of yougart in an aluminum pie pan and set it down for them. That was a big mistake. If there had been a fox hiding under the yougart he'd been killed before he could have had a chance to defend himself. I call 'em Pigs with Feathers!

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