How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

8/12 Best day yet. I have to start counting the 2 hens I bought last week. They are 9 months old so I need to count them now.
Yeah for big chickens they can outfly my little banties when it comes to treats - I have to hold them so the others can get a fair stab at the goodies. I do have to say they are such dependable layers it is well worth it.
3 eggs today out of 7 hens. First day of three. Been getting two a day for a while. Brown eggs from my two Barred Rocks. But today I got my first white egg from my brown leghorns. Hopefully the flodgates will open soon.
Does finding an egg first thing this morning that was clearly cold enough to have been laid before lights out last night count as yesterday's egg?

If so I got two yesterday for the first time
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Jim.if you want to have a good laugh try throwing a handfull of cooked spaghetti into your run,the comets stampede to get it and mine actually fight over a morsel

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