How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Oh yes!!! That hits the spot. I was up half the night with a kid who has the stomach bug. She snuggled up to me at about 3am and whispered " Mommy I threw up again. I'm sorry. "

Broke my heart. I cleaned her up, cleaned the bed and changed everything and sat with her for 3 hours reading stories and holding her. At about 6:30 she drifted off to sleep. Just in time for my son to wake up

Sounds like my home
, except they want their dad
My girls are loving this Spring weather! For the last two weeks we've been getting 9 - 13 a day! That's out of 13 girls! Apparently they didn't get the memo about %50 to %75 is considered a good day! Not going to complain!
My girls are loving this Spring weather! For the last two weeks we've been getting 9 - 13 a day! That's out of 13 girls! Apparently they didn't get the memo about %50 to %75 is considered a good day! Not going to complain!:yiipchick

And we have 2.5" of snow this morning in Ohio
I have been getting 10 - 19 sellable eggs from 25 of which 5 have decided to molt so they don't count. There are always a few cracked or smashed or I drop which makes them unsalable. They all insist on the same two nest-boxes so when three clamor into the same box something gets smashed!! :p

Had sooo many when store here cut eggs down to 88 cents. But today sold 6 dozen to one family and then others clamored for the rest. Went wit 13 dozen and came home with one dozen and 4 extra eggs after we broke two transferring them.
went out to mow this time the blade drive belt left large
blue smoke..... tr to find a 75 inch belt on a Sunday in
podunk Washington town we live in... 99.99 percent of the time
I love our little town life but hate it when it's messes with us keeping the 3/4 acre
piece of heaven
11 yesterday, 15/15 today considering theres snow on the ground
. Im firing the Big Green Egg Grill today to kick start my grilling/gardening season

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